Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Ten Tips on how to Stay Cool During the Southeast Texas Summer

In our previous post, we discussed the basics on how to protect ourselves and our loved ones from heat related illness. But what else can we do? Here are 10 quick tips on how to stay cool on those extremely hot days.

1. Wear cotton clothing, it has a tendency to stay cooler than other fabrics.

2. Store sunblock and lotions in the fridge or your ice chest for a “cooler” application.

3. Keep a spray bottle in the fridge or ice chest for a refreshing burst of cool water when you need it.

4. Reschedule your outdoor exercise routine to the early morning or late evening hours. If that’s not possible, try scaling down your exercise routine, walking instead of running, or shave a few minutes off your normal routine.

5. Keep water bottles in the freezer and take them outside with you when you do yard work or gardening, the heat will melt the ice at a perfect rate and you will have a steady supply of cool water to drink.

6. Get a bandana, soak it in cool water and wrap it around your neck or put it under your hat. Cooling your head cools your entire body.

7. Avoid caffeine and alcohol as these will promote dehydration.

8. Eat smaller, more frequent meals.

9. Chill your pulse points with by running cool water over your wrists for about a minute every hour. Splashing cool water on your face will also help keep you cool.

10. Go swimming!

Do you have any tips you use to stay cool during the hot South East Texas Summer months?

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