Monday, August 27, 2012

B&B Bottled Water

B&B Ice is excited to announce its newest product, B&B Bottled Water. Our bottled water comes from a natural spring in Jasper, Tx and is bottled at the source, unlike most American bottled waters. Our water has no flavor, and no blending from various sources. 

One of the key benefits of natural spring water is that it comes from a clean underground source. Spring water is free from contaminates usually found in drinking water. It also contains minerals that are beneficial to human health.

Other benefits of bottled spring water:

  • It’s convenient and portable
  • Bottled spring water is pure and natural, it does not contain any added chemicals

If you want fresh tasting water that’s safe to drink, our bottled spring water is the way to go. Yes, bottled water is available at most grocery stores, but we offer bulk bottled water delivery service to businesses in the Southeast Texas area.

For more information about bottled water delivery, contact us.

Monday, August 6, 2012

Staying Hydrated: Water vs Soda

It’s a hot day, so you grab a soda to cool down. But wait, is the sugary soft drink really going to help you stay cool?

Soft drinks, unless otherwise indicated, contain caffeine. In the past, experts claimed that caffeine was a diuretic, causing more frequent urination and therefore could cause dehydration. More recent studies have found that in moderate amounts, caffeine has only mild diuretic effects, much like water. However, soda also contains large amounts of sugar and other artificial ingredients that can dehydrate the body. These ingredients drastically raise blood sugar levels and the body must use massive amounts of water to bring them down.

Water makes up more than two thirds of your body weight. As little as a 2% drop in your body’s water supply can trigger symptoms of dehydration: fuzzy short-term memory, trouble with basic math, difficulty focusing on tasks, and daytime fatigue.

Water is necessary for your body to function properly. It carries nutrients to cells, flushes out organs, and ensures proper kidney functions. It is your best bet for staying hydrated on a hot day because it’s cheap and contains no calories. 

Check out the Infographic below for more information: