Monday, October 22, 2012

Water: The Mood Booster!

Happy Woman with Glass of Water
Feeling a little down? Mild dehydration is known to cause depression and bad moods because your body can’t rid itself of toxins if it is not properly hydrated. Increasing your water intake can help your body “wash” away toxins that are accumulating inside your body.

“In a study published in the "Journal of Psychophysiology" in 2000, eight healthy, endurance-trained men were kept under- or over-hydrated while exercising on a treadmill for 90 minutes. Researchers then analyzed the mens' memory skills, levels of fatigue and moods and found that dehydration impaired all of these functions. These findings indicate that short-term, relatively mild dehydration can immediately detract from an active person's moods.” – Blog

Experts say that people experiencing mild dehydration have trouble staying alert and using their memory. They also experience fatigue, tension, and anxiety.

Lack of water to the body may decrease the motivation to work and play. Here are a few tips to stay hydrated and avoid the “Negative Nancy” syndrome:
  • Drink a glass or bottled water as soon as you wake up.
  • Drink less caffiene.
  • If you can't stay away from caffiene and sodas, drink 8oz of water for every caffeinated drink you consume.
  • Snack on fruits and veggies, they contain water. 

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Common Water Problems

Common Water Problems

Rusty Water Pipe

Something “off” about your tap water? We’re experts, but some people may not recognize these water problems in their businesses. Here are some “clues” for common water problems and what to do about them.

Your tap water smells like rotten eggs
Total dissolved solids (TDS) like hydrogen sulphide, iron, and other chemicals can lead to that putrid smell coming from your sink or bathtubs.

Solution: A whole-house water purifier can resolve this problem.

Hard water
Water hardness is due to calcium, magnesium, and sometimes iron dissolved in water. These elements can harm piping, dishwashers, and water heaters.

Solution: Water hardness can be removed with a water conditioner/softener or a water treatment device.

Salty or brackish taste
This is caused by high sulfate or chloride content and can be solved by filtering via reverse osmosis.

Acidic water causing leaky pipes
Tap water containing acid will leave blue-green stains on surfaces in your home. This is actually caused by acidity eating away at the copper in your pips. If ignored, this could cause leaks.

Solution: This can be solved by injecting soda ash or caustic soda in your water supply to raise the pH.

Of course you could just contact us and get fresh, clean, filtered water delivered right to your business or job site.