Thursday, December 22, 2011

Drowsy Driving Collisions

NHTSA estimates that approximately 100,000 crashes each year are caused primarily by driver drowsiness or fatigue. In 1998, drowsiness and fatigue contributed to 1,400 crash-related fatalities.” – US Dept. of Transportation

Many studies have been done that show “fatigue” or driving while drowsy can play a major role in accidents.

Normal “tiredness” can be caused by three categories of stress factors:

1) physical environment – exposure to extreme temperatures and even vibration or noise
2) physical condition - poor or inadequate sleep, medications and alcohol, or medical conditions that interfere with sleep such as sleep apnea
3) prolonged periods of emotional upset (anger, fear, frustration, etc.)

Employees who drive as part of their job are exposed to many of these factors every day.

Avoiding “Fatigue”
Although getting a good night’s sleep on a regular basis is best and seems obvious, there are many things that keep us from ideal sleep patterns. Here are some tips that should help:

1. Proper Nutrition - Do your best to eat a well-balanced diet that includes a reasonable balance of the major food groups.
2. Adjust Your Sleep Environment - Check for noise, poor ventilation, high or low temperatures, and bedding firmness, etc.
3. Maintain Fitness - plan your exercise program to build your stamina. Trainers at your fitness center should be able to help you adjust your program.
4. Reduce Any Excess Weight – Any excess pounds can contribute to poor sleep quality or lack of sleep.
5. Adjust Your Sleep Pattern - Experiment by sleeping more or less, going to bed earlier or later, to discover proper sleep time.
6. Time Management and Relaxation – Planning your days and nights to avoid stress and rushing can be helpful.
7. Reduce Caffeine. Caffeine is a drug that may overstimulate the body and mind, interfering with sleep and increasing anxiety.
8. Quit Smoking and Avoid Alcohol – Both nicotine and alcohol can interfere with sleep, especially when consumed near bedtime.

Warning Signs
Most people cannot tell when they are falling asleep while driving. Recognizing the warning signs that sleepiness is overcoming you include:

• You find yourself drifting from your lane or tailgating
• You miss signs or drive past your exit
• You have trouble keeping your eyes open and focused
• You yawn frequently or rub your eyes repeatedly
• You can’t keep your head up
• You daydream or have wandering, disconnected thoughts
• You drift off the road and hit the rumble strips

If you recognize any of these symptoms, you could be in danger of falling asleep.

Coping with “Drowsiness”
If you must drive despite your best efforts to avoid drowsiness – what options do you have? Several research organizations have published tips on dealing with fatigue:


Here’s their advice:

1. Sleep – even a short nap can help (followed by exercise to wake up). Make sure you use a secure rest area – not the side of the road where another vehicle might collide with you.
2. Exercise – get out of the vehicle and walk, stretch and move your body to wake up. Take driving breaks to stretch your legs and get your blood moving, heart pumping, etc.
3. Caffeine – As a short-term fix, caffeine can help to wake you up, but don’t rely on it to get you through a long drive – its effects usually wear out after the first couple of cups of coffee.
4. Companions - When possible, travel with a companion who will stay awake with you to monitor your driving and talk to you.
5. Timing - Try to avoid “sleepy” times of the day – after dark and especially after midnight are peak times for your body to decide to sleep – and when most “drowsy driving” crashes occur.

Check out the web sites mentioned above for even more tips and helpful information. Have a good, safe night!

Drowsy Driving Is Dangerous!
• Prepare for night driving by getting enough sleep or by improving the quality and duration of your sleep patterns
• Recognize the warning signs of Drowsy Driving – nodding off, excessive yawning, etc.
• When you must drive, take naps, exercise and for short term use – some caffeine may help.

This information provided by B&B Ice, Inc, "The Clear Choice!" Please visit our website or call us at 409-727-5714. We only have Ice & Water for you!

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